Tattoo Characters
Tattoo Characters
Ketchum uses a special alloy to manufacture all of our tattoo characters. Our tattoo characters have withstood the test of time. We offer a wide variety of characters to fit into each of our tattooers at different sizes to meet your needs.

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19 mm (3/4") tall character, Made of poly with steel needlepoint pins. It is a light weight and durable product. Set contains one of each letter (A-Z). For use with KP228, KP2287, KP2288HD, KP2230 and KP2281.
19mm (3/4") character. Made from strong alloy and high quality pins. Our custom designed alloy ensures the characters will hold up under rugged conditions. The characters have desired spacing between pins to produce a highly legible tattoo. (For use in KP-2288, KP2288HD, KP-2287. KP-2360, KP-2361). Set contains one of each character A-Z.
19mm (3/4") character made from strong alloy and high quality pins. Our custom designed alloy ensures the characters will hold up under rugged conditions. The characters have desired spacing between pins to produce a highly legible tattoo. (For use in KP-2288, KP2288HD, KP-2287. KP-2360, KP-2361). Set contains one of each character #0-9.
Made from Ketchum tough alloy. The 14mm (9/16") tall character is designed for use in ketchum BBQ and Feeder Pig body Tattooer. Ideal for use on pigs from 50 to 120 lbs(25 -60 kgs). Set contains one of each character #0-9.
Made from tough Ketchum alloy, the 14mm (9/16") tall character is designed for use in ketchum BBQ and Feeder Pig body Tattooer. Ideal for use on pigs from 50 to 120 lbs(25 -60 kgs). Set contains one of each character A-Z.
19mm (3/4") character with beveled ends to easily slide into Ketchum Stainless Steel Shoulder Tattooer (KP2293059). Made with Ketchum's special alloy to ensure durability. Also used as a stationary character in the Rotary Shoulder Tattooer. Set contains one of each number 0-9.
19mm (3/4") character with beveled ends to easily slide into Ketchum Stainless Steel Shoulder Tattooer. Made with Ketchum's special alloy to ensure durability. Also used as a stationary character in the Rotary Shoulder Tattooer. Set contains one of each character A-Z.
A new more visible 1 1/4" tall needlepoint tattoo character. Made with Ketchum tough alloy and high quality pins. For use with KP2360, KP2361, KP2362, KP2287, KP2288 and KP2288HD. Set contains one of each character #0-9.
A new more visible 1 1/4" tall needlepoint tattoo character. Made with Ketchum tough alloy and high quality pins. For use with KP2360, KP2361, KP2362, KP2287, KP2288 and KP2288HD. Set contains one of each character A-Z.
22mm (7/8") characters that attach to internal rotating wheels of the Ketchum Rotary Hammer to produce a clear tattoo. Set contains one of each number 0-9.
22mm (7/8") characters that attach to internal rotating wheels of the Ketchum Rotary Hammer to produce a clear tattoo. Set contains one of each character A-Z.
19mm (3/4") tall characters made from Ketchum's custom alloy. They are extremely durable and can slide into the sides of Ketchum Rotary Shoulder Tattooer. You pick the number and/or letter combination.